Environment Directorate-General

Environment Directorate-General


The Directorate-General for the Environment is one of the more than 40 Directorates-General and services that make up the European Commission. Commonly referred to as DG Environment, the objective of the Directorate-General is to protect, preserve and improve the environment for present and future generations. To achieve this it proposes policies that ensure a high level of environmental protection in the European Union and that preserve the quality of life of EU citizens.


Impel (Implementation Network, with links to national authorities)


IMPEL, the European Union Network for the Implementation and Enforcement of Environmental Law, is an international association of environmental authorities in Europe. The network is committed to contribute to a more effective application of European Community Environmental law by capacity building, awareness raising, sharing good practices, providing guidance and tools, enforcement cooperation and giving feed back to lawmakers and regulators on the practicability and enforceability of environmental legislation.

European Environment Agency

European Environment Agency


The European Environment Agency (EEA) is an agency of the European Union. Agency task is

to provide sound, independent information on the environment. The institution are a major

information source for those involved in developing, adopting, implementing and evaluating

environmental policy, and also the general public. Currently, the EEA has 32 member


Main clients are the European Union institutions — the European Commission, the European

Parliament, the Council — and the member countries. In addition to this central group of

European policy actors, it also serve other EU institutions such as the Economic and Social

Committee and the Committee of the Regions.

The business community, academia, non-governmental organisations and other parts of civil

society are also important users of its information.

UN Environment Programme – UNEP

UN Environment Programme – UNEP


The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is the leading global environmental

authority that sets the global environmental agenda, promotes the coherent implementation of

the environmental dimension of sustainable development within the United Nations system and

serves as an authoritative advocate for the global environment.

UNEP work encompasses:

  • Assessing global, regional and national environmental conditions and trends
  • Developing international and national environmental instruments
  • Strengthening institutions for the wise management of the environment

UNEP - Mediterranean Action Plan

UNEP - Mediterranean Action Plan


The UNIP/MAP is a regional cooperative effort involving 21 countries bordering the

Mediterranean Sea, as well as the European Union. Through the MAP, these Contracting

Parties to the Barcelona Convention and its Protocols are determined to meet the challenges of

protecting the marine and coastal environment while boosting regional and national plans to

achieve sustainable development.

The 22 Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention are: Albania, Algeria, Bosnia and

Herzegovina, Croatia, Cyprus, Egypt, the European Community, France, Greece, Israel, Italy,

Lebanon, Libya, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro, Morocco, Slovenia, Spain, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey.

World Health Organisation – WHO

World Health Organisation – WHO


WHO began on 7 April 1948 and now constitute more than 7000 people working in 150 country

offices, in 6 regional offices and at the headquarters in Geneva. The main areas of work

encompass health systems; promoting health through the life-course; noncommunicable

diseases; communicable diseases; corporate services; preparedness, and surveillance and


WHO supports countries as they coordinate the efforts of multiple sectors of the government

and partners – including bi- and multilaterals, funds and foundations, civil society organizations

and private sector – to attain their health objectives and support their national health policies

and strategies.

REC http://www.rec.org/- SEE

REC http://www.rec.org/- SEE


The Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe (REC) is an international

organisation with a mission to assist in addressing environmental issues. The REC fulfils this

mission by promoting cooperation among governments, non-governmental organisations,

businesses and other environmental stakeholders, and by supporting the free exchange of

information and public participation in environmental decision making.

Blue Green Alliance

Blue Green Alliance


The BlueGreen Alliance unites America’s largest labor unions and its most influential

environmental organizations to identify ways today’s environmental challenges can create and

maintain quality jobs and build a stronger, fairer economy.

The BlueGreen Alliance’s efforts center on the immediate need to develop commonsense

solutions to the environmental challenges in a way that creates and maintains quality, family-

sustaining jobs across the economy.




European commission - LIFE. A programme launched by the European Commission and

coordinated by the Environment Directorate-General (LIFE Units - E.3. and E.4.).

EC - LIFE (publication)

EC - LIFE (publication)


European commission - LIFE creating green jobs and skills. Publication of LIFE programme

impact in creating permanent jobs and training schemes

EC - Promoting green jobs

EC - Promoting green jobs


European commission - promoting green jobs throughout the crisis: a handbook of best

practices in Europe - EEO review. A review about investing in the green economy, policy efforts

of national and regional governments towards green sectors, etc.

Ecology Center

Ecology Center


Founded in 1970, the Ecology Center is organized for one purpose -- to develop innovative solutions for healthy people

and a healthy planet. 

To fulfill its mission it is engaged in educationof consumers to help keep their families healthy and safe;

in pushing corporations to use clean energy, make safe products, and provide healthy food; in provision of innovative

services that promote healthy people and a healthy planet; in working with policymakers to establish laws that protect

communities and the environment.

Getting to Zero Waste

Getting to Zero Waste


This is a book that analyzes the current state of recycling and our system of garbage and finds it


Green Jobs

Green Jobs


Good Jobs, Green Jobs 2016 takes place June 6, 2016 in Cleveland, Ohio. Good Jobs, Green Jobs is the nation’s

leading forum for strategizing and implementing environmental solutions that create and maintain quality,

family-sustaining jobs and ensure the health and safety of our workplaces and communities.

Green New Deal

Green New Deal


The Green New Deal is a comprehensive strategy for ending the crises affecting our economy, climate, environment

and social justice. The Green New Deal has been designed to build economies and societies that will work for all

people and the planet we share, now and in the future. This site offers publications and best practices in

implementing Green New Deal.

Working paper 76

Working paper 76


Working paper 76, produced as background material for a World Bank report on Green Growth managed by the

Office of the Chief Economist of the Sustainable Development Network at the World Bank.

Natural Step

Natural Step


Natural Step (TNS) is a globally recognized network of offices and individual associates that share the same brand,

principles and training in strategic sustainable development.




The National Pollution Prevention Roundtable, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, is the largest membership

organization in the United States devoted solely to pollution prevention (P2). The mission of the Roundtable is to

provide a national forum for promoting the development,implementation, and evaluation of efforts to avoid,

eliminate, or reduce pollution at the source.




Suppliers Partnership for the Environment (SP) is an association of automobile original equipment manufacturers

(OEMs) and their suppliers working in collaboration with the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and other

governmental entities to identify and implement creative projects and programs that will advance environmental

sustainability while providing economic value to the automotive supply chain through strategic action and engagement.

Republic of Turkey, Ministry of food, Agriculture and Livestock



The mission is to:

  • - ensure the sustainable use of agricultural and ecological resources
  • - increase standard of living in rural areas
  • - ensure access to safe food and high-quality agricultural products needed by Turkey and world markets.

The main topics that are object of activity of the MINISTRY OF FOOD, AGRICULTURE AND LIVESTOCK are: Plant production, Plant health, Good agricultural practices, Fisheries, Economic indicators, Plant health services, Organic farming, Food and feed services, EU and foreign relations, Animal husbandry.

Republic of Turkey, Ministry of environment and urbanization



REPUBLIC OF TURKEY, MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND URBANIZATION is a government ministry office of the Republic of Turkey, responsible for the environment, public works, and urban planning in Turkey.

The Ministry mission is:

- Conservation of biological diversity

- Management of natural, historical and cultural values

- Healthy and clean environment

Republic of Turkey, Ministry of forestry and water affairs



The mission of the ministry is related to conserve and improve forests, water resources and biological diversity and produce reliable meteorological data in order to enhance life standards for all living beings with the principle of sustainability.

The scope of activity is to:

  •        - protect, improve and operate forests
    •        - conserve the nature as well as improve and operate the protected areas
    •        - manage water as well as to construct and put water structures into service.
    •        - Monitor meteorological events and to produce meteorological data

Doçev - nature and environment foundation

Doçev - nature and environment foundation


DOÇEV-Nature and Environment Foundation wad founded in 1996 and has been continuing its activities with the vision of becoming a pioneer and universal volunteer non-governmental organization, preserving and improving natural balance and environmental values throughout generations.

The mission of Doçev - nature and environment foundation is to:

  •         - increase public awareness with the help of training and education
    •         - form and protect green areas and forests
    •         - fight against erosion and environmental pollution
    •         - provide balanced usage of natural resources and recycling of wastes
    •         - protect and develop ecologic balance and plant and animal species 
    •         - establish volunteer participation and public support
    •         - carry out its activities scientifically

    Since their foundation, they have aimed to form a forest each year. They plant forests in empty lands of treasury and deteriorated forest areas and carry out maintenance of such forests in this respect. During establishment of these forests, came into existence with the support and financial sacrifices of the public and entities, they have taken collective utilities such as climate, soil and development of water regimes into consideration. They have been experiencing “Global Warming” phenomenon depending on climate changes today. 

Ankara Metropolitan Municipality

Ankara Metropolitan Municipality. Water and Sewarage Authority, General Directorate


The vision of the institution is to keeps life sources alive. Its mission is to provide high quality and clean drinking water, to protect water sources at maximum level, to obtain wastewater recycle and to be an organization that maintains modern management point of view at the metter of organizational progression.


