The benefits from ECO-Center measures


Target groups benefit from:

  • Intensive support for their motivation for learning;
  • Implementation of national good practices for qualification assessment;
  • ECVET based system for sectoral qualifications description and multilingual e-portal;
  • e-scheme for ECO-Center Knowledge & skills passport and instructions on practicalities;
  • ECO-Center training program based on online and offline learning methods;
  • Set of Learning Outcomes with training units assembled in Training Paths;

Target sectors benefit from:

  • Sectoral network and organization of 5 workshops;
  • Validation of ECO-Center products and organization of 5 testing events at sectoral level.
  • Embedding of project results in related sectors;
  • Multilingual dissemination materials: booklets, leaflets; posters; website information, and others.

Regional development benefits from:

  • Standardized user-centered VET learning paths;
  • Qualifications descriptions in the field of ECO-Center to be introduced into the educational and industrial sectors in Bulgaria, Germany Turkey and Cyprus;
  • Globally accessible ECO-Center e-portal;
  • Tests and certificates offered to trainees from Bulgaria, Germany, Turkey and Cyprus.
  • ECO-Center national workshops for presentation of project outcomes;
  • International workshops with participation of broader audience;
  • Cluster activity with similar initiative for further application of the ECO-Center model;
  • Introduction of other EU initiatives, such as South-East Europe, Horizon 2020 Program, and others.
