ECO-Center scheme for improving the accessibility of learning opportunities for adults


The proposed scheme includes 3-dimensional structure with key elements as follows:

1. Training panel comprising:

  • establishment of learning outcomes based training courses in clean environment with specific content and structured elements knowledge, skills and competence; assembly of training paths designed to fit the variety of education requirements of the project target groups with implemented qualification evaluation and assessment instruments EUROPASS, EQF and EVCET.

2. Carrier paths panel including:

  • Competence catalogues in clean environment: a set of competences description for adult training providers in the project field.
  • Knowledge & skills passport: a set of exemplary documents to form trainee personal professional portfolio.
  • References of successful environmental projects: examples of successfully granted or already implemented research/educational/business projects focused on environmental issues.

3. Clean environment data base: a meta-base of web-sources in the project field structured in categories to fit the main topics tackled in the developed training courses and Up-to-date instructions, guidance and legal framework information about e-education & training of adults.

The Training and Carrier paths panels are logically unified in ECO-Center Competence-based training model. The realization of the model encompasses 5 stages, as follows:

  • Needs analysis 
  • Model design 
  • Model development
  • Model implementation
  • Model assessment 

The model itself is structured on hierarchic principle – a pyramid comprising several progressive layers to reach adoption of certain competency through custom e-learning.


Fig. 1. The Pyramid structure of the training model

  • In the basis of the pyramid are the Soft Skills (SS), among which are Personal issues, Advocacy. Communication skills, Computing skills, (Self)Management skills, Organisational skills, Prioritization ability, Professional governance, Use of media, Collaborative working.
  • The next layer encompasses the Targets Specific Skills (TSS) in accordance with ECO-center classes of target groups: Teachers/trainers in adult education; Adult learning providers; Career officers, counselors, inspectors, head teachers / principals; Education managers, other management staff in adult training institutions, non-teaching administrative staff.
  • Than Professional Areas Specific Competences/Green Abilities(GA) are listed, developed for the selected 12 professions at EQF levels 5, 6 and 7.
  • At the top layer are placed the Training Paths (TPn), designed in a way that a professional can gain specific competences/green abilities within a defined professional area/EQF level.

The education model ECO-center offers can be used as resource for the academics, the business and the jobseekers to enhance workforce development. To achieve its mission the model is arranged in two perspectives – academic and work place.

  • The academic model isdesigned to comply with the demands of formal academic education in terms of curriculum evaluation, planning and development.
  • The work place model is designed to respond to industry needs, workforce program planning, human resource services in business, and career exploration and guidance.

The specific training content consists of different types of courses oriented to project target groups designed for EQF levels 5, 6, and 7:

Courses type For target groups: No course / Topics

No of

Learning Outcomes


Ref. level

Academic courses teachers/trainers in adult education 2 courses in “ECO-Biotechnologies” 4 6/7
Work-oriented training courses adult learning providers at job risk; affected by unemployment, restructuring and career transitions 2 courses in “Environmental awareness and management” 4 6/7
Enrichment courses careers officers, counselors, inspectors, head teachers/principals/managers, other management staff in such institutions, non-teaching administrative staff 2 courses in “Environmental  law and ethics” 4 5/6

Training Model

Training Model

 Stage  Steps  Deliverables
 Needs analysis
  • Conduct desk research in each partner country to gather up-do-date information about partners’ national ecology policies; employment prospects and programs; relevant training methods and curricula; compliance of national requirements with EU education standards.
  • Provision an analysis-based report on the above topics.
  • Issue synthesis outcome statement and conclusions launching.
  • ECO-Center needs analysis                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
  • Steps
  • Deliverables
  • Steps
  • Deliverables
  • Select training design and setting
  • On-line
  • Off-line
  • Instructorled
  • Paper based
  • Select training design and setting
  • On-line
  • Off-line
  • Instructorled
  • Paper based
 Model development
  • Definition of soft competences
  • Definition of target group specific competences
  • Definition of subject specific competences / green abilities per EQF level 
  • Definition of soft competences
  • Definition of target group specific competences
  • Definition of subject specific competences / green abilities per EQF level 
 Model implementation
  • Development of learner materials – construction of Training paths
  • Development of instructor materials
  • Development of trainees guide
  • Development of learner materials – construction of Training paths
  • Development of instructor materials
  • Development of trainees guide
 Model assessment
  • Conduct pilot training
  • Conduct formative evaluation
  • Conduct pilot training
  • Conduct formative evaluation
