ECO-Center is created within the framework of the ERASMUS+ Programme; Key Action 2: Cooperation for Innovation and Exchange of Good Practices; Strategic Partnerships in the Field of Education, Training and Youth, Project № 2014-1-BG01-KA204-001645.

ECO-Center is a PILOT EDUCATIONAL CENTER for creation and development of strategies and actions designed to improve competitiveness of the target groups.

ECO-Center unifies Universities, research centers, enterprises, social partners building a bridge between formal and non-formal educational systems.

ECO-Center aims at bringing expelled staff and employees back to work in a future oriented industrial sector focusing on SMEs as a driving force in national economy.

ECO-Center functions as a think-tank for adult education that performs research and training on topics such as clean environment, eco-technologies and culture.

ECO-Center operates through creation of innovative program for training in the field of Clean Environment.

Since adult training professionals are recognized as an important source of knowledge, the several basic requirements for changing the role of trainers are included in the Erasmus+ program: improvement of subject competence; establishment of links between theory and practice; and use of learner-centered approach. The ECO-Center target beneficiaries: teachers, trainers, learning facilitators, guidance professionals, school/institution managers and political decision makers are the selected subjects of fit these requirements.
