ECO-center is structured in four departments, each responsible for the achievement of project's specific objectives. 








Goals and activities

The Management Department (MD) governs the overall project activities. It arranges project timetable/operational phases, distributes the specific tasks among the partners, performs surveys and defines the program entrants. Its main activities are also focused on making review of the existing results relevant to the project objectives, introducing the new concepts for adult training in clean environment, preparing the interim and final project reports, as well as it is responsible for the creation of project canvassing network.

The MD establishes Local Enforcement Units (LEUs), which are placed at each partner's organization and whose tasks are in the range of: processing of ECO-Center, arrangement of project testing phase, appointment of partner's dissemination groups and stakeholders, preparation of copyright agreement.


The MD is responsible for the development of the deliverable “ECO-CENTER NEEDS ANALYSIS”

This deliverable foresees performance of desk research in each partner country conducted to gather up-do-date information and provide detailed analysis of the state of art in respect to the:

  • Current status in clean environment sector with emphasis on shortcomings / risks;
  • The potential of this sector in implementation of national policies for educating teachers (adults), trainers, other learning providers; employees job seekers; workers at risk of losing their jobs; individuals affected by unemployment, restructuring and career transitions.
  • Principles of adult education in the planning and development of programs/courses
  • Education in ecology: structure, operation and contribution to career development;
  • Needs for up- and re-skilling of adults in ecology;
  • Bridge building between EQF and ECVET validation instruments and recognition of skills and competences adopted via adult education.

The conducted analysis will provide an overview on partners’ national ecology policies, the employment prospects and programs, the relevant training methods and curricula, and the compliance of national requirements with EU education standards.

For the successful accomplishment of the deliverable MD will provide:


  • Questionnaire for gathering information and feedback at partner level about the current status in the clean environment sector and assessment the learners’ needs. 


  • Analysis-based report regarding partners’ national peculiarities in respect to ecology policies and training opportunities.


  • Structuring of ECO-Center training panels in ecology, based on learning outcomes (LOs);
  • Approbation of defined LOs through development of various types of courses.



Goals and activities

The Training Department (TD) is responsible for the achievement of the specific project aims in order to supply the learning/training program of ECO-Center project. It creates an innovative program for adult training providers in clean environment and offers learning outcomes in respect to the project objectives and end-users’ needs. This structure is responsible for the issue of program modules in on/offline version based on the preliminary survey and definition of program entrants.

TD introduces teaching/training material to target groups and obtains public's responses. It realizes investigation and analysis of training needs. It determines the trainees' profile and training course objectives.

TD is also responsible for the preparation and issue of project's training materials: subject- and qualification-oriented, arranged in accordance with the EQF/NQF and ECVET requirements. 


The TD is responsible for the development of the deliverable “ECO-Center web site”.

This deliverable comprises design, creation and operation of e-based platform for project implementation. The web site will operate as dual-purpose device with the following main functions:

  • General information resource;
  • Flexible e-medium offering training for up- and re-skilling of adult learning providers in clean environment;
  • Knowledge data base, providing relevant information in the project subject area;
  • Experience exchange platform inside/outside project consortium along the project and after its final;
  • Dissemination instrument.

The TD is responsible as well for the development of the deliverable “ECO-Center scheme for improving the accessibility of learning opportunities for adults”.

This deliverable foresees establishment and functioning of a scheme for organization and operation of education process in clean environment based on improved accessibility. The clean environment topic is chosen as specific domen for education activities since during the last decade vast environmental decline is observed and corresponding negative effect on the global ecological situation is imposed. The maintenance of clean environment is a prerequisite for sustainable economic development and human beings welfare, thus the education in this field, especially for those engaged themselves with education is of primary importance.

The proposed scheme includes 3-dimensional structure with key elements as follows:

1. Training panel comprising:

  • establishment of learning outcomes based training courses in clean environment with specific content; 
  • selection of appropriate learning tools: on/offline based learning material including (self)assessment elements, and structural arrangement of optimal learning options on demand to meet adult learning providers’ needs; 
  • introduction of learning outcomes for qualification evaluation and assessment implementing instruments such as EUROPASS, EQF and EVCET;
  • structuring of learning outcomes key elements: knowledge, skills and competence;
  • assembly of training paths designed to fit the variety of education requirements of the project target groups;
  • building of information data base on project main topics.

2. Carrier paths panel including:

  • Competence catalogues in clean environment: the catalogues will comprise set of competences description for adult training providers in the project field. The competences will be described in accordance with EQF reference levels and main descriptors (knowledge, skills and competence). They will outline the general as well specific cognitive and technical abilities adult trainees can re-build and re-skilled through the various types of courses offered in the training panel. The description profiles will match the national/EU professional/occupational requirements stipulated in ISCO.
  • Knowledge & skills passport constituting set of exemplary documents to form trainee personal professional portfolio. The documents include EUROPASS package and other relevant internationally recognized documents such as records of professional activities, of self-directed learning activities, of learning activities outside work and in house, certificates/evidence of special training, records of publications. Here, instruction documents equipped with templates and video examples, suitable for job application and carrier promotion will be also included.
  • References of successful environmental projects. This sub-panel will include examples of successfully granted or already implemented research / educational / business projects focused on environmental issues. Brief summary, key participants, lessons learned and good practices implemented will be the key points tackled in the information presented.

3. Clean environment data base.

This is a meta-base of web-sources in the project field structured in categories to fit:

  • the main topics tackled in the developed training courses: environmental awareness; clean water & energy; bioremediation; environmental management; environmental ethics, environmental legislation, sustainable growth, etc.;
  • up-to-date instructions, guidance and legal framework information about e-education & training of adults in clean environment.

For the successful accomplishment of the deliverable TD will provide:


  • Inquiry form regarding e-platform design, organization and functioning;
  • Assignment for the web-site development;
  • Technical instructions for training content preparation;
  • Multilingual evaluation materials and tools designed for measuring trainees’ progress in curriculum (knowledge content) learning process: multiple choice questions; true/false questions; matching situations, etc.


  • Project e-platform with dual functionality: i) publishing information about the project, assigned to the widest possible audience and ii) assuring the flexible scheme for education that provides learning opportunities for up- and re-skilling of project target groups;
  • Multilingual training content in the clean environmental sector organized in LOs and assessed by ECVET;
  • Records describing the professional qualification of specialist, working in the project area, based on KSC concept and directed for EQF 5/6/7;
  • ECO-Center Knowledge & skills passport proving acquisition of certain knowledge, skills, and attitudes of the individual.


  • Delivery of information about the current state of art in clean environment sector in each project partner country;
  • Setting up the technical prerequisite for establishment and operation of ECO-Center training scheme for improving the accessibility of learning opportunities for adults;
  • Provision of on-line data about project outputs applicability and acceptance;
  • On-line assurance of project outputs dissemination and use;
  • Promoting the innovative education based on the EQF/NQF principles for adult learning providers in clean environment and rising opportunities of green jobs employment for adults;
  • Assuring ECO-Center project sustainability and longstanding impact.



Goals and activities

Quality Management Department of ECO-Center establishes the system of procedures and standards for project development. It lays down set of actions for quality control, monitoring and evaluation and defines the rules and responsibilities that ensure there operation. The QMD is responsible for the arrangement of quality and compliance checking during project outputs development and evaluation. It organizes the project evaluation, elaborates criteria and tools for transparency of the project work, including the creation of internal and external assessment units. The QMD plans, performs and controls the testing process at the partners' consortium and supporting organizations.


The QMD is responsible for the development of the deliverable “ECO-Center concept for testing and sharing feedback results”.

This deliverable outlines the concept for organization and caring out the evaluation, appraisal, and verification of project results and their sharing among events participants. It presents the procedure for conducting the events in terms of technical preparation; elaboration of products’ evaluation tools for assessment of the training panels mode of operation and capacity; conducting evaluation and sharing events of various formats: on-line (web mediated); off-line (CD-ROM with user manual and/or tutor assisted); traditional - printed version, etc. The principles of organization of the testing process valid for the entire partnership, encompassing all project target groups, and operating on voluntary principle, are also presented. The concept specifies as well the personal paths in respect to learning outcomes, used to test the content and training methodology, and to approbate the scheme applicability. Special emphasis is given to the process of gathering, analyzing and sharing the test-trainees feedback, and the working out of testing outcome statements (country specific).

For the successful accomplishment of the deliverable QMD will provide:


  • Issue of specific templates for organization and performance of internal assessment of project activities and outputs: instructions for organization and performance of testing and sharing events.
  • Issue of specific templates for organization and performance of external evaluation of project activities and outputs.


  • ECO-Center analysis report giving independent view on target users/stakeholders evaluation and understanding about the project achievements and perception.


Performance of ECO-Center evaluation and sharing events for:

  • evaluation/validation of the training courses knowledge content;
  • approbation the operation capacity of the ECO-education process scheme offered by the project.

The events will take place at each partner institution with preselected participants and will be conducted with specific program. The Local Enforcement Units will implement into practice the ECO-Center concept for testing, appraisal, and verification. The following events are envisaged:

  • In Bulgaria Sofia University and R&D Center “Biointech” will organize the evaluation of the academic type of courses;
  • In Cyprus GREENFORCE Ltd. will contribute to the assessment and evaluation of the applicability of work-oriented training courses;
  • In Germany SOKO Institute GmbH. will take care for the enrichment courses evaluation;
  • In Turkey Pamukkale University will organize evaluation of the academic types of courses.



Goals and activities

Dissemination Department (DD) arranges dissemination measures during project and post-project life. It is responsible for the establishment of operational relationships among different stakeholders, for the issue of Dissemination & Use strategic plan and for the organization and performance of Dissemination & Use actions. Its main activities are focused on arising public understanding and promoting the ecology practical use. The department is responsible for the issue of the project dissemination materials and their upgrading during the project life. It is also involved in active diffusion of ECO-Center project objectives and results among different institutions.


The DD is responsible for the development of the deliverable “ECO-Center dissemination and use strategy: prospects for sustainability”.

This deliverable comprises working out of project dissemination and use strategy, its objectives and measures planned for their achievement. It points out the consortium philosophy to consider dissemination as an important prerequisite for successful project realization; specifies the core concept for operation of dissemination at all project stages: from application to post-project life, and describes the:

  • Targets (main stakeholders) by types & categories to be addressed by dissemination;
  • Tools and means for reaching out the stakeholders: information flow in terms of directions and occasions, and range of topics to be covered;
  • Time frames: organization of dissemination process - distribution of dissemination activities throughout the project duration and upon its expiration;
  • Outcomes planned for its realization: types and quantity of the dissemination materials to be elaborated and distributed; dissemination events to be organized, their formats and procedures for conducting.

The principles of organization of the dissemination process applicable for all partners, encompassing all project target groups, and functioning on voluntary principle, are also described. Special emphasis is given to the process of gathering, analyzing and summarizing the feedback information and the working out of dissemination outcome statements (country specific).

The DD is responsible as well for the development of the deliverable Booklet "ECO-Center achievements and prospects: towards sustainability".

This deliverable comprises assessment of project achievements, review of its ups and downs compared to the work plan stipulated; and summary of the lessons learned. Precisely, the following issues are concerned:

  • Assessment of the ecology policies, employment prospects and programs with relevant training methods and curricula, compliance to EU education standards; 
  • Performance of documents search and analysis and their recurrent report in respect to project activities and legal framework for strengthening adult education in the project area;
  • Specification the level and scope of participation of the different project target stakeholders and wide public; 
  • Establishment of interconnections between project intellectual outputs, outcomes and effectiveness; 
  • Development of recommendations for further activities based on the evaluated results and drown conclusions to ensure project achievements sustainability.

For the successful accomplishment of the deliverables DD will provide:


  • Information pieces that promote awareness and attract interest in ECO-Center project: publications in specialized magazines, technical journals, and scientific bulletins; dedicated radio broadcasts, printed promotion materials (e.g. posters, leaflets, brochures, fliers, placards, etc.);
  • Questionnaires, inquiries, reply cards;
  • Project face book page;
  • e-Messages;
  • On-site meetings;
  • Quantitative study tools: individual inquiries, surveys, observations;
  • Qualitative study tools: definition of standards and indicators based on project goal and objectives;
  • Documentary checks: project files, reports, other relevant documentation reflecting project progress.


  • ECO-Center dissemination strategy presenting a detailed and comprehensive plan, describing targets, tools and outcomes to be influenced by project dissemination;
  • Synthesis evaluation report of ECO-Center project sustainability and impact.


Performance of ECO-Center dissemination workshops dedicated to the widespread of project mid-term and final achievements to target groups and wide audience, thus raising the awareness of political decision makers and education responsible authorities on the major problems of education in clean environment tackled by the project. The following workshops performance is envisaged during the project lifetime:

  • The Universities (Sofia University and Pamukkale University) will focused their announcement campaign mainly on academic level and to national authorities engaged with adult education;
  • The R&D Center “Biointech” Ltd. and the Research Institute SOKO GmbH. will give emphasis on participants from research centers and scientific institutes, on individuals affected by unemployment, restructuring and career transitions;
  • The SME GREENFORCE Ltd. will invite participants from the business, managerial staff as well as potential job seekers and workers at risk of losing their jobs.

Organization and performance of ECO-Center Webinar to promote all project outputs and achievements. The program and the list of presentation topics will be selected and approved by project MD and announced in advance on the webinar virtual location site (applicant organization). The official language of the event is English and it is foreseen for the last trimester of project duration and thematically will be devoted to project objectives realization and intellectual outputs creation.

Creation of a framework for further developments and research in the area of environmental education for adults that can be used by the European institutions and by national establishments for their future activities.

